Brand Strategist And Business Owner Camila Straschnoy Shares Why Having A Clear Purpose Is Of Utmost Importance

Paula Henderson
3 min readMay 12, 2021


Camila Straschnoy is a brand strategist, trends researcher, speaker and educator in Miami Beach, FL. Camila holds a BA in fashion and textile design and an MFA in Visual Arts. In addition, she earned international diplomas in fashion marketing and trend forecasting. With a broad range of skills, Camila’s purpose is to help companies break through the noise and develop disruptive strategies that help connect them with their brand’s tribe and apply a trend-driven approach to innovation.

Camila worked as a consultant for multiple renowned brands and recently launched her consulting agency, MATE HOUSE. Camila and her team help business owners create future-proof strategies, communication campaigns, innovative user experiences, design solutions, and digital content for lifestyle, fashion, and beauty brands in a saturated market. As such, Camila and her team help companies develop ideas that help them become who they want to be and stand out from the crowd.

“What makes me different from the rest is my trend-driven approach to brands. I use my vast and unusual combination of skills to help brands identify what’s their secret sauce, their unique point of view, their place in this world, and their tribe. I show them ways to connect and resonate with today’s consumers so they can become who they aspire to be. I helped them create culturally relevant ideas in an ever-evolving landscape and for a multi-everything world. I become the brand’s thinking partner opening their minds to new possibilities and innovative ways of doing things so they can break from the pack,” states Camila.

One of the most important factors in being unique and standing out to consumers is having a clear purpose that is reflected in your work. Finding your “why” and having a solid brand culture have been vital in building a brand for a long time, which is why Camila places such an emphasis on this and has made it the topic for her most recent newsletter.

“When people are asked why they have certain life goals, the answer ultimately comes down to, ‘because it makes me happy.’ Humans always have and will follow different paths in pursuit of the same goal: happiness. By now, it is widespread knowledge that people who live a purposeful life live happier and are more resilient,” states Camila in her latest newsletter.

Especially after the Covid-19 crisis, during which many people were left searching for their “why,” there has been an increase in companies trying to build purpose-led strategies to overcome the instability that has come with the pandemic. As Camila states, “Consumers use their value systems to guide them in their everyday purchases, not just the aspirational ones.” Hence, this is why it is important to plant deep, purposeful roots that propel you and your business forward. To inspire a sort of purpose-led revival, Camila invites you to think about some of the following questions:

  1. Can you define your purpose? How? If not, what do you feel you need to know to define it?
  2. How is your purpose connected to you and/or your brand’s or company’s story?
  3. How does that connection have a positive impact? If it doesn’t, how can you change that?
  4. How can you share your purpose in a way that will inspire your audience to trust and support your brand? (remember: action-led wins all the way!)

These are just some of the questions that Camila shares in hopes of sparking business owners to find their purpose as it relates to their business, so they can flourish, create change, and have a lasting impact. You can sign up to receive Camila’s future newsletters by clicking here.

You can also learn more about Camila and her upcoming projects by following her on Instagram here.

